焦仲卿Johnny(Jforshort) 刘兰芝Lunch(Lforshort)
焦母Johnny`smother(JMforshort) 刘母Lunch’smother(LMforshort)
太守之子Mayor’sson(MSforshort) 强盗Burglars(ABandC)
J:Everybody says thatI’m hen pecked,but infact,I’m as strong as a tiger,(小声)while my
wife is WuSong.
(指着上台处的门大声道)I’m not afraid of you!
(内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then,I’m afraid of whom?
My wife Lunch is the most famous woman in the neighbor-hood.She is brer than me,
smarter than me and stronger than me.All this I donotcare.I only want her to be tender
than me.But she is not!Hing a wife like this is just like living in the hell!
My God!Who can help me?(下)
(对门内)Lunch!Lunch!Where are you?
L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):I’m here!What’sup mum?
JM:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me“my most beautiful graceful and
dearest mother-in-law”.
L:OK.My most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law,what’sup?
JM:Since you married my son you he behed so badly.You he been sorude,sobrusque,so
JM:Never interrupt me!
L:Never interrupt me!Since I married your son,that terrible Johnny,I he been working hard all
day long,cooking and washing.I he raised ten soft hous and sof pigs and ducks and chicken
JM:But all those you he done are not as valua bleasagr and son!
L(生气地挥动着锅铲):Oh,you want a grandson,don’t you?(开始解围裙)Goand ask your
son.I’m leing!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下)
L:Mum,I’m back!
LM:You are back?Why?What hened?
L:I was kicked out by my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother–in-law.
LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情):See!I he already told you!When you in sistedon
marrying that terrible Johnny,I told you that he is ugly stupid and poor,but you did not listen
to me.Look at yourself……
LM:Never interrup tme!
L:Mum,I’m not interrupting you.I just want to tell you that you are always right OK?And
I’ll marry whom ever you want me to
LM(大喜):Nice girl!Just now,I` m the mayor`s son in the market.He said:“If your daughter
Hen’t been married,I really really want to marry her!”Now you are free again,I’ll go
and tell him.(下)
L(惊愕):What?The mayor`s son?The most famous play boy in the neighbor-hood?(手中的锅
铲掉在地上)What a silly thing I he done!(下)
J(边走边道):Lunch!Lunch!Where are my socks?
(走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Here they are!(闻一下) Er!How smelly!They are still dirty!
(突然想起)Lunch has gone!I he to wash them myself.
(他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh,I’m so hungry!But there’s no breakfast!(捡起地上的围
裙)This is what Lunch always wears!I miss her so much,and her excellent cooking skill!Now
she has gone.I he to cook for my mother and myself.
JM(上):Where’s my breakfast?Where’sLunch?Hasn’t she got up yet?
J:Mum,can’t you remember?Lunch has gone!
JM(沉吟片刻):Well,to tell you the truth Johnny,a son without a wife is useless.Lunch is a nice
girl,goand take her back!
J(立正敬礼):Yes madam!
A:Hey you!Stop and listen to us!
The road is built by me!(抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上)
B:And I planted one tree!(亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上)
C:If you want to go by this street---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚)
AB&C:Give usall your money!
J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币):Is 1mao enough?
A:What bad luck!This guy is broken!
B:If we can not rob any money today,we will he nothing to eat tonight!
C:I heard that the mayor’s son is going to marry Miss LiuLanzhi next month.WE can go and
rob the wedding!
A&B:Good idea!
J(惊讶):What?What?Lunch is going to get married?It’s impossible!
AB&C:Why?Apretty girl and a rich man,what a good couple!
J:But Lunch is my wife!We hen’t got divorced yet!
(突然有了主意)I’ve got an idea!You are going to rob the wedding,don’t you?I’llgo
with you.You take the money and I take the bride.
B:He you got any experience?
J:No.But I’ve got this!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000)
ABC&J:Hey you!Stop and listen to us!
A:The road is built by me!
B:And I planted one tree.
C:If you want to go by this street---
J:Give usall your money!
J(火冒三丈):How dare you beat my wife!(挥拳向MS冲去)
J(扶起L,关切地问):Honey,how are you?
L(哭状):I hurt a lot!
J:Don’t cry baby.I’ll go and fetch the medicine. (下)
L(起身去追):Wait forme! (跑下)
(音乐起 Can You Celebrat
焦母johnny’s mother(jmforshort)
刘母lunch’s mother(lmforshort)
prologue 序幕
j:everybody says that i’m hen pecked, but in fact,i’m a strong tiger,(小声)while my
wife is wusong.
(指着上台处的门大声道)i’m not afraid of you!
(内砸出一脸盆,j接住当成盾牌护着头)then, i’m afraid of whom! my wife lunchi is the most famous woman in the neighbor-hood.she is brer than me,smarter than me and stronger than me .all this i donot care. i only want she to be tender than me. but she is not! hing a wife like this is just like living in the hell!
my god! who can help me?(下)
act1 第一幕
jm(拄拐棍上):i can!
(对门内)lunch! lunch! where are you?
l(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):i’m here! what’s up ,mum?
jm:i he told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother in law”.
l:ok.my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law, what’s up?
旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will hen?
One day, a new story hens.
老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time. Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying. Ah ha ha ha!
狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do?
(回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but……(左顾右盼)
老虎:(疑惑地)But what?
老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What?
狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there!
老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where? Where? Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l老虎望着空空如也的手) I hate fox!(气得上窜下跳)
旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again.
老虎:(暴怒地)Now, you can make a choice. You want me bite you head first or your fat leg first?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, help yourself to some fox please. I hate myself, too.(狐狸捂着脸痛苦地跪下)My mother says I’m not a good boy. I always tell lies.(狐狸突然蹿起来) But, they say, tiger is a kind of strong animal. Maybe the strongest animal in the world. Before I die, can you show me how strong you are?
老虎:(得意极了,做出各种健美展示姿势)Of course. I’m a great animal. I’m proud of myself.
狐狸:(试探地)I heard there was a Chinese called 刘翔. He can cover 110 meters in 10 seconds. Can you?
老虎:(想想就好笑)Wa ha ha ha ! wa ha ha ha! Poor mankind! How slow! Wash your eyes! (老虎用手将狐狸的脑袋推开)Look!(老虎一溜烟跑了起来)
狐狸:(挥挥手,远远望去)sa yu na la! (二胡配轻松得意的音乐)
旁白:Now, fate plays another joke on the fox .He meet with the tiger again.
老虎:(意味深长地)Your old friend! Tiger!
狐狸:(装傻地)Oh, hen’t see you for a long time. How are you?(狐狸帮老虎整理领子,用袖子帮老虎擦衣服)
老虎:(阴险地)Very very nice! Now, I see my lunch. Dilicious!(狐狸听了脚抖)
狐狸:(打喷嚏)a ti ! a ti ! (煞有介事地)I admit I’v cheat you for 3 times. But, you know, it’s all for your sake.
老虎:(疑惑地)For my sake?
狐狸:(可怜巴巴地)Yes. To tell the truth, I’m not a normal fox!
老虎:(不甘示弱地)I’m not a normal tiger, too.
狐狸:(娓娓道来) I looked it up in the dictionary, and I know, in Chinese, they call me 果子狸。
狐狸:(一拍脑袋,装想起来)Oh, I forget, you can’t speak Chinese!
老虎:(得意地,想想就好笑地)Wa ha ha ha! Wa ha ha ha ! My mother always tell me :to learn a forgien language is very important! I’ve learnt Chinese in school! Am I great! (突然醒悟过来)Wait, what did you say? Chinese call you what?
老虎:果子狸?SARS? 非典?
老虎:(放开手,大叫着跑了)wa ya!(边跑,边擦手)
旁白:From then on, fox become the real King of the forest.
二胡演奏We are the champion
狐狸大摇大摆地走在前面,后面有两个小喽罗在敲背。一个小喽罗敲得重了。狐狸把手一挥。Go! Go! Go! 将其赶走。
狐狸走在台中,大笑起来:Ah ha ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha!
出场人物:喜羊羊Pleasant Goat 美羊羊Pretty Goat 懒羊羊Lazy Goat 沸羊羊 Force Goat暖羊羊Warm Goat 慢羊羊 Slowly Goat(Village Head) 灰太狼 Big Big Wolf 红太狼 Red Big Wolf
喜:What can we play today?
美:We he nothing to play.It’s dull!
懒:I he a good idea. (睡意朦胧)
喜、沸:What idea do you he? (好奇)
懒:Let’s sleep! (自信满满)
暖、慢:Oh,no!You are very lazy!(无奈指责)
灰:Ha!Dear goats,I’m coming!(灰太狼小声→大声,出现在羊面前)
美:Ah!Look,Big-big-wolf!Run away! (惊恐了一大跳)
灰:Ha-ha!I’m sure that it’s a good and delicious goat!
美:Pleasant-goat!Please help me! Help,help,help! (神情紧张)
灰:It’s too late!My fourite goat.(十分贪婪,并抓住了美羊羊)
喜:Pretty-goat,I he nothing to do.But I’ll se you!
懒:Don’t touch me!Help me!(也神情紧张)
灰:Ha!Little fat goat.I’m hungry now. My wife is waiting for me.Haha! (灰太狼又抓住了懒羊羊,于是逮着懒羊羊,美羊羊走向狼堡,最后进入了狼堡)
红:Wa!Big big wolf!You are very good! Oh,two goats! (激动)
灰:Wife.I’m going to cook them soon!Today we’ll he a super dinner,
I’m looking forward to eating goats the first(灰太狼和红太狼准备煮羊)
慢:What to do?Pleasant-goat,find a way quickly,be quick! (着急)
沸:Pleasant goat!Find a way!
喜:There’s only one key.Let’s goto wolf’s houseand se them!
暖:What? I am very worried about that!It’s too dangerous !
慢:Ng.This is only one key.I’m wating for you.You must se Pretty-goat and Lazy goat .And this is a special gun.Big-big-wolf won’t move for an hour.Give you,Pleasant goat. (慢羊羊拿出一把枪,深沉地给了喜羊羊)
喜:That’s great!Let’s go.Warm goat and Force goat! (握住拳头)
暖,沸:Ok,let’s go to wolf’s house! ( 气势磅礴)
红:Two Little goats.You will finish!I’ll eat you! (贪婪野蛮)
美:Oh,no.I believe Pleasant goat can se me! Yes?Lazy goat?What are you doing?(无助)
懒:Let me sleep,xu.(乐观派)
美:Ah!Don’t sleep!I am very afraid ! If you don’t sleep,I will give you candy!
懒:Really?I love candy !(懒羊羊突然醒了,美羊羊点点头)
灰:Who?Oh, wife.Maybe are the other goats!Let me catch them.
灰:Oh,it’s pleasant goat!I’ll get you for my dinner!
暖:Wa!Pleasant goat,you are very great!(赞美)
灰:Pleasant-goat!What do you do? Why can’t I move?!
喜:Force goat,give you gun.Let me se them.
沸:Ok!...Ng.Red big wolf!you will finish!
红:What are you going to do?little fat goats? (害怕)
沸:Goodbye,Red big wolf!(bang!!!!!)
美,懒:Thank you,Pleasant-goat!(感激不尽)
暖:Lazy goat, pretty goat,Run away quickly!
红:Big-big-wolf,I hate you!Ah! (红太狼挣扎)
美:Mr. Big-big-wolf and Red big wolf,goodbye! (亲切)
懒:Pretty-goat,where’s my candy? (天真好奇)
美:Oh!Lovely lazy goat,I he no candy.Sorry?Don’t blame me! (违约)
懒:What?My candy!My God!...Ai,Let me sleep,xu.(无奈的)
暖:Don’t sleep!Lazy goat!We will go to our house! (命令)
慢:Pleasant goat,you’re very good!Give me special gun.(迎接)
沸:Here you are.Village Head.
慢:Ah,that’s not ture the special gun.This is ture!(激动地拿出真枪)
暖:Ah?If this……(疑惑无比)
慢:If this false gun,Big big wolf can’t move for ten days!(大声)
懒:Ha ha.Ng……And do we win?
喜,沸,暖,美:Yes!We win! (羊们笑着说)
红:Big-big-wolf,Where are our goats?Where?you, you,I hate you!Ah!You are foolish! (动不了了)
灰:Wu……Awful pleasant-goat,I must eat you the first!And I’m sure come back soon(哭着说)
7人的英语小品剧本,短篇 .可任选其一。
pocket money
Characters: Narrator(N), Salesman(S), Dad(D), Maggie(M), Alice(A),
Candy(C), Policeman(P)
Preparation: 学校布景,做糖果用桌及相关材料,小贩家布景
Scene1(At Salesman’s home)
N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He
always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He
has a lot of money now. But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu ……
He is coming!
S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you .I’m the famous
candy salesman at the school gate. My candies are very
popular,(展示),I don’t know why. The foolish students always come
here. I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money……
Oops! It’s time to make candies now.(看表)
First, put the flour on the table.
Then, water, sugar, flour.(边说边做)
Now press, press……
Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it!(满不在意的神情)
Press, press……
Oh, my god!(鼻涕)Never mind! Just do it!
Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe……
Now let me cut it into pieces!
One, two, three, four, five……(用脏菜刀)
Wow, everything is ready!
糖果钻出来(跳舞),跳完后,非常难过地说:Oh, I’m so dirty and ugly! What can I do? The
students will eat me! And they will be ill! Wuwuwu…
S: Mmmm…It looks dirty, let me give you a nice coat! (给它穿上) Wow! Now
it’s so beautiful! Haha……
C: Oh, no! Don’t sell me! I’m dirty!(拖糖果下场)
Scene2(At the school gate)
N: The next day, when the class is over, all the students come
out hily and the salesman goes to the school gate as usual.
(Maggie和Alice 欢快地跑出校门,看到小贩)
(小贩拉着糖上场,吆喝):Candies! Candies! Sweet candies! ……
M: Oh, Alice! Look! Candies!
A: Yeah! I think they are yummy!
M: Let’s ask him.
A: OK!
C: Don’t buy me!(非常焦急)
M&A: Why?
C: I’m dirty!
M: No, you look nice!
C: What can I do? (面向观众) Wuwuwu…(小贩将她拉在后面)
S: Candies! Candies!(引诱两个女孩)
M&A: How much are they?
S: Do you he money?(轻蔑)
M&A: Money?(对视)
M:Oh, I’ve no money!(失落之极)
A: Me too.
S: No money? So sorry!(吆喝着走开,下场)
M: What can we do now?
A: Let’s ask dad for money.
M: But how to ask?
A: How?…Oh,I know ,let’s make him hy ,and he will give us
M: Good idea!(全部下场)
Three Times’ Beating Monster
人物:T唐僧 S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧
B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆
B3:B变化成的老头 N:哪吒
T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now?
S: Bajie,map!
E: (摸出,递给S)
S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E)
T: Bajie!How Many times I he told you, nof to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you!
E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回)
T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west
E: But……
T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map?
E: (递)Here.Em…… we he arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So.
S: Fat Pig!
E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will……….
S: You will what(凶相)?
E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤).
S: Hm!
T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food?
E: You see ,master is hungry,too!
T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal!
J: But master,if a monster comes while brother monkeg is away…..
T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong,do you he any idea?
S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看)
E: This is…..?
S: Electric net!I he learnt the energy of electricity from master’s books. So I made this. No monster can roach you if you stay in it!
T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power!
S: Bye!(走)
T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《》
B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1)
B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you?
T: I’m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against Landlord and three people are enough.
B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb!
T: Bomb?(打出)
B1: Double King!
T: Oh….I win! Em……,Lady,you are a master-hand. Come in and teach me!(准备开电网门)
S: (回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打)
B1: (倒)Ah……
T: (气愤)Wukong! Look what he done! She is my teacher!
S: She is a monster!
T: Nonsense!(深呼吸)
S: Oh,please don’t……
T:It’s too late!(唱)Once more……you open the door…(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱)
S: Please,Please,oh,no……(痛苦抱头)
T: (呛住,咳)Wukong,I’m disointed with you!
B: (真身出现)Hm!Sun Wukong, I’ll teach you a lesson!(变成太婆)
B2:Hello,he you seen my daughter?
T: Daughter?...(连忙挡住地尸体)No,sorry!(陪笑,B2想看后面是什么,T挡)
S: (咬牙切齿)You monster, I’ll beat you into hell!(S追打B2,B2躲至T身后,S打,不想打到T头,T晕,S再打死B2)
E&J: Are you Ok, master?(扶T)
J: Look,(伸食指)how many?
T:Two…..(晕乎乎地)Sun Wukong, game over!(变成B3)
B3: (看到B1,B2尸体)Oh….,my daughter, my wife! Who did it?!!(哭喊)
S: I’ll kill you, monster!(打)
T: (想阻止,未及)You,you.....(险些晕,E,J扶住 )You he killed three lives!
S: No,they are not human beings!They are created by monster!
T: Monster?You are a real monster!Never let me see you,go!!
S: (悲,离去)(音乐,营造 “”悲伤气氛)《人鬼情未了》
E: Master, brother Monkey is.......
T: Scratch! Don't mention that guy any more!
B: (出现) Ha,ha,ha!(三尸体B1,B2,B3在B招手后“飘”走)
T: (惊)You are......
B: How foolish you are ,Mr Tang!(E,J去阻斗,被击退)
B: (抓住T)I'll enjoy your meat and blood,ha,ha......
S: (悄悄走到B后,打B,B晕)A thousand years later.
T: Wukong?
E: Oh,Brother Monkey!
J: Our hero is back!
T: I,I can't understand......What hened?
S: Master,your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its earance into three shapes in order to cheat you!
T: How,how did you find out?
S: (沉默).......Monkey's intuition(直觉)
N: Excuse me, where is the cniminal?
S; Ah......you are too late ,Nezha!(对T)I've called the police.
N: (摇醒B)You are under arrest .(出示证件)You he the right to remain silent If you give up the right, anything you will say can and will be against you in a court of law!(带走B)
T: Wukong(S不理T)I admit my mistake this time(S仍不理)I'm sorry(小声)
S: What?
T: I'm sorry.
S: Em? Louder,please?
T: I......am......sorry.....(S 捂耳)(音乐响)《敢问路在何方》(这个放伴奏)
T: Let's go guys!( 歌)
S: You are carrying the luggage, I am leading the horse.
E: Say goodbye to the sun, Welcome evening glow.
J: Sleeping on the ground, again we set out set out, again we set out.
T.S.E.J: Ah......Ah...... Sleeping on the ground again we set out.
T: One after the other the seasons go by,and ohe after the other, the year go on. You wonder where the road is. The road is under your feet.
T.S.E.J: You uonder where the road is, the road is under your feet......
搞笑英语微**剧本《Whose treat》(英语5人搞笑微**剧本)
演员:A—— ,B—— ,C—— ,D—— ,旁白——
编剧: 摄影:
插曲:场景一《铃儿响叮当》场景二《雪绒花》场景三《泰坦尼克号主题曲》场景四《flash》场景五《never say goodbye》或者《字母歌》
(场景一:未定空地____5个人都到, 拍摄)
旁白:One day ,some yang people want to get takeout as their dinner
A: let’s get takeout ,please?(旁白念完直接开始)
B:why not? I like it .(开心,满足)
C:It's up to you .(看着A)
D:OK,but i he a good idea……(手托下巴,卖关子)
A:go on ,please(请求语气)
D:we always ”going Dutch “,.it‘s time to enjoy someone’s treat……我们总是AA制,这次找个人请客吧(扫一眼大家,继续卖关子)
C: but how should we drag the unfortunate? talk to us,please(请求)
D:(笑)OK,OK…….Each of us tell a joke, if not making others laugh, just pay !
A,B,C:good idea!(大家拍手,异口同声)
A:Let me tell a joke first .the title is” I'm Glad “.A school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. 我先讲吧,题目是“我很高兴”。一个老师正在对学生讲使别人高兴的重要性。现在,她说
(切到场景二,到一个教室,或有椅子的地方,把笑话表演出来,, 拍)
旁白:Now, she said现在,她说
赵雪:children ,has anyone of you ever made someone else glad?你们当中有谁让别人高兴过?
王鹏:teacher, I've made someone glad yesterday.昨天我就使别人高兴过。
赵雪:Well done. Who was that?做得好,是谁呢?
王鹏:My granny.我奶奶。
赵雪:Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grand mother glad.好孩子,现在告诉我们,你是怎样使你奶奶高兴的。
王鹏:Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours. Then I said to her, ‘Granny, I'm going home,’ and she said, ‘Well, I'm glad’!是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。然后我跟她说:‘奶奶,我要回家了。’她说:‘啊,我很高兴!’
A:oh, i got it !我做到了(很开心)
B:yeah,yeah, maybe you just tell your own story .(指着A说完捂嘴笑)
A: I……(要解释,被B拦下)
B:OK,now ,It's my turn .”a gentle reminder”is the title.Hing been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. 婚后已久,我丈夫往往在一个特别事情上需要委婉的提醒。
(切换场景三,移至餐厅或有椅子的地方, 拍摄,)
B:On the morning of our 35th anniversary, we were sitting at the breakfast table when I hinted, 在我们结婚35周年纪念的早上,我们正坐在早餐桌旁,我暗示道:(录旁白形式)
双:"Honey, do you realize that we've been sitting in these same two seats for exactly 35 years?"“亲爱的,你意识到我们在这两个相同的座位上已坐了整整35年了吗?”
B:Putting down the newspaper, he looked straight at me and said,他放下报纸,眼睛直直地望着我:
田:"So, you want to switch seats?"“因此,你想交换座位吗?”
B:so, i got it,(对C)maybe you will like the man in the future (笑)it‘s your turn
C: oh,no ,he is stupid (不屑),my title is “girl,oh little girl”题目是“让人无奈的孩子”When they're together, my five-year-old daughter and her cousin tend to cause mayhem. (['me?hem] )one Saturday, I put my foot down.我五岁的女儿和她的表妹在一起的时候,总要招来大乱。一个星期六,我开始抗议了。
(切至场景四,某空地, 拍摄)
: "All right, you two,"No screaming , grag, whining, hitting, teasing, tattling, breaking toys, scratching or fighting." “好啦,你们两个,”我严厉地说,“不许叫喊,不许乱拿,不许哭闹,不许乱敲,不许取笑,不许扯淡,不许弄坏玩具,不许乱抓,不许打架。” (转身要走),
双:“come on ,MengMeng, let's get dirty . "“来, ,我们来把自己弄脏吧。”
B:OK,we three all did it ,now,(对D)only you left
D:i’m very afraid now,maybe I’ll fail it . Let me try .it’s “A dollar per point”一分一块钱A professor was giving a big test one day to his students.一天,教授正在给学生们监考。
(切场景五,至 教室, 拍摄)
D(旁白形式):He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.他发下试卷,然后回到讲台前等待。( 轩演教授, 坐中间, 演学生,考试时, 左顾右盼很着急,交卷子时, 左看看右看看掏出100元夹在卷子里并且写了一句话A dollar per point.)Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. "考试结束了,学生们纷纷交回试卷The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point."考试结束了,学生们纷纷交回试卷。教授发现一张试卷上别着一张百元钞票,还有一张纸条写着:“一分一块钱。”The next class the professor handed the tests back out. And walk up to the student ,said,第二堂课,教授把试卷都发回学生们手中。走到那个 旁,
田:”here are your test and $64 change“这是你的试卷还有64块钱的找零。(邱大囧)
D:well,my treat(很无奈)OK,you win……i’ll buy it right now(走开)
原网址 ://.jiaokedu/xiaopin/xiaopin_361488.html
good moring,what can i do for you?
i'd like to buy a gift for my daughter as a surprise.
how about these skirts?they ane pretty.
no, thanks.my daughter has already he many.
how about these beautiful clips then?
oh,they are so beautiful.
please give me a pair.how much are they?
just 5 yuan.
ok,i'll take it.