





5.关于计算机的英语作文? 计算机在我们的工作、生活中的作用越来越大,你知道计算机的起源与发展吗?请就




       Computers have brought about many changes in our world. With the devek,pment of science and technology, the use of eleclronic computers is growing year by year in various fields of man' s activities. They have been of great help in scietific rescarch and engi neering They can do at a very high speed the calculations too complicated for a man to do in a few days or even in a few years. Once it is given a plogram, a computer can operate automatically at a high speed. Not only can the computer gather facts.it call aim store them as fast as they are gathered and can pour them our whenever they are needed. However, computers are not replacing us. Even though computers are taking over some of the tasks their were once accomplished by our own brains, they are nothing but machines. They will never take the place of man. 计算机 计算机给我们的世界带来了许多变化,随着科学技术的发展,计算机在人类活动的各个领域中的使用年年增长,计算机对科学研究和工程学帮助很大,它们能以很快的速度运算,这些运算很复杂,要用人工运算需要几天甚至是几年。 一旦设计出程序,计算机可以以极高的速度自动运算。计算机不但可以搜集资料,而且可以贮存资料,不管什么时候需要这些资料都可以调出来。 但是计算机不会代替人。尽管计算机正在接替一度用我们自己的大脑去完成的工作,但是它们只不过是机器而已,它们决不会代替人。



       在一次主题为“电脑时代”的学校征文活动中,你计划以“The Computer”为题写一篇文章参加评选,你的辅导老师帮助你制订了一个写作纲要,如下:





       The Computer

       The computer is widely used in all phases of society. In industry, business, education, medicine, nearly all walks of life, computers have made their appearance, providing great speed and accuracy for our work. Computers have been used in the home, offices, laboratories and research institutions, functioning as the most efficient and versatile instruments for calculating, sorting, filing, recording and distributing. Computers are indispensable to modern civilization. Without computers, our life and our society will undoubtedly suffer a big regression.

       During the past five decades the computer has been rapidly advanced. Ever since the computer came into being, it has experienced the development of several generations, which are based respectively on vacuum tube, transistor and integrated circuit. Early computers were of great size, and had no match for the latest electronic computers in speed and accuracy. The Latter is capable of processing the most complicated information and reaching solution to problems in a fraction of time. At present, efforts are being made not only to bring the hardware to perfection, but also to improve the quality of the software.


       Computers must be instructed and programmed by people. In spite of the remarkable skill of the computer, men can never become its slave. Computers are not creative. They work according to men's instructions. So the development of computers and their use will depend upon the ingenuity of men. Although there are times when computers seem to operate like a mechanical “brain”,their achievements are not comparable to what the minds of men are able to do



        It is known to us all that the computer is the most important invention in the 20th century. It has been developed a lot since it appeared. Also, our daily life has greatly changed because of it.


       A computer can think and remember things like man, but it is millions of times faster than human begins. As a result, computers have been used in the fields of agriculture(农业), industry(工业), education(教育) and so on. For example, we can learn our lessons at home by using a computer instead of going to school.


       Computers have entered our daily life. So it is important for us to learn how to use a computer. And we must start right now.


       Scientists use computers to solve research problems. Engineers use computers to make cars, trucks, and airplanes. Architects use computers to design houses and other buildings. The police use computers to track down criminals. The military uses computers to make and read coded messages.





       The computer is playing an increasingly important role in the society. With the computer you can conduct scientific statistical analyses and get useful information. You can also watch movies, listen to music, and play video games. We may say that the computer is indispensable to our life. Someone even hold the belief that the computer may replace the human brain one day in people’s life, work, and every other respect. Despite all the advantages of the computer, it is no match to the human brain.

        It is undeniable that the computer becomes more intelligent as technology develops with each passing day. But in terms of intelligence, the human brain is the father of the intelligent computer. The human brain is an inexhaustible well of intelligence and it is creative, while the computer just passively receives the intelligence from the human brain, like a tool to actualize the human brain’s intelligence.

        To sum up, the computer is inferior to the human brain. So, those who still hold the wrong opinion, correct yourself and free your own intelligence and creation. Don’t rely on the computer too much.

关于计算机的英语作文? 计算机在我们的工作、生活中的作用越来越大,你知道计算机的起源与发展吗?请就

       Do you know what computers will be like in the future?

        In the future, computers will get smaller and work faster. There are already computers that you can hold in your hand. Cellphones have computers in them and you can use them to send e-mails and go on the Internet. Keyboard will disappear from computers in the future. You will be able to talk to a computer. It will understand your voice and do what you tell in to do.

        Computers will get cheaper and will be used more widely than they are used today.






       With the development of the computer technology and the internet,we have got a new media to know the outside world.And our life is greatly changed with it.On the internet,you can get both the domestic news and the international news as well.For our daily communication, you can send E-mails to your friends and the other people.Of course,you can study whatever you like on the internet,such as, English and other subjects.Meanwhile,you can appreciate music,sports and enjoy the video games.Recently,more and more people,especially young people,are interested in shopping online.Anyway,internet is changing our style of life and the way of thinking as well.

       It is no doubt that computer and its internet play very important part in our life,study and work.On the computer,we can look for some new and fresh information so that we can study more knowledge.And more and more people realize that we are in the non-paper times. That's to say we can do lots of things without paper like before.But meanwhile,some people,especially some young people are too addicted to the video games on the computer internet.It is a waste of time and energy.So,the question whether a computer is good or bad depends on how we use it.If we use it in a proper way,it will be very helpful to our life and study.

“计算机在生活中的应用”英语作文 200字左右

       The emergence of robots is another great progress of human civilization. Robots cannot replace humans, but they can work instead of humans.

       First of all, robots are invented by humans. Robots have no ideas. Their behaviors are given by human code and energy. They only execute instructions and operate within the scope of instructions.Some people will say that robots will have thoughts. I think it is impossible. It is just a still life without human intervention. It is just a pile of iron. Perhaps in the future, there will be powerful scientists who can write bug free code, let the robot move freely, and give it all the abilities of self action. But in the current state, there is no such powerful scientist and no perfect code.

       Therefore, robots can not replace humans. Robots can replace humans to complete some tasks, such as mine clearance in high-risk industries.






       With the develop of modern technology,computer is widely used in my life.With the help of computer I can learn of anything in the world.


       With computer's help I can work easily,so I have more free time than

       before,and I can talk with my friends online.I don't need to buy books,because I can read books online.I can buy things online.


       So since I have the computer I only need to sit in my room and I can know anything on the earth.

