





5.急!!英语作文 关于遇到地震怎么逃生



       Earthquake disaster is one of the natural disasters that cause the most serious economic losses and casualties in the world.?

       We should strengthen the study of earthquake science knowledge and correctly master the methods of shock absorption, self rescue and mutual rescue.

       We should listen to the earthquake warning and learn to look at the omens before the earthquake, such as the abnormal flying, fleeing and barking of animals. We can also prevent the occurrence of disasters in case of early reporting and evacuation.

       When an earthquake occurs, the indoor triangular space formed after the collapse of houses is often a relatively safe place for people to survive. Especially for people in buildings, choose places with small space such as kitchens and bathrooms, as well as spaces and corners that are not easy to collapse.

       Tables, beds and other solid furniture spaces can be cushioned. Protect your head with cushions in time. Don't jump from a building blindly or use an elevator. We must use scientific methods to protect ourselves and our homes and jointly prevent disasters.

       Today is the day of school earthquake drill. All teachers and students participated in it. The teacher has explained the specific situation to each of our classmates again and again. The teacher's hurried cry came from the broadcast of "earthquake is coming".

       We quickly put our schoolbags on our heads and "whooshed" out. Each student didn't want to fall behind and ran crazy to the playground, while the teacher kept order and evacuated the students in an orderly way. All teachers and students of the school evacuate at the specified time. We must learn to save ourselves.

       We also need to read more books on earthquake prevention and disaster reduction.

       Tell everyone around you the knowledge of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, so that these knowledge can be spread ten or ten to a hundred, so that everyone knows how to protect themselves and reduce the disasters brought by the earthquake when the earthquake comes.

       Let this knowledge accompany each of us and make each of us have the consciousness of earthquake prevention.









       it is important for us to know how to prevent us from being hurt in earthquake . the most effective way is to depend on ourselves. we can get everything ready before it happens . we must keep enough food and drinking water with us . when it happens keep calm and don't run about .follow the correct orders .only in this way,can we get the most chance to survive in earthquake. 对于我们来说知道如何在地震中免遭伤害是很重要的。最有效的方法是靠自己。我们可以在地震前把一切准备好。我们必须随身保持足够的食物和饮用水。当地震发生时 要保持镇静,不要乱跑。遵循正确的命令。只有用这种方法,我们才能得到最大的生存机会。



       There were millions of buildings has collapsed. So far, the Sichuan Wenchuan has 69159 people died, 374141 injured, and 17469 people missing.


        Many of the students were learning in schools, therefore, many students lost their life during the earthquake. Also, many people lost their parents, children or brothers and sisters!


        Not long after the earthquake, the leader of the country, soldiers and doctors came to that place immediately.


       Many people in the country supported them, they donated money, food and clothes to help those unfortunate people.


       5. Facing this serious results which cause by the earthquake, we feel sad and bad for those unlucky people, but also, thanks to the earthquake, we learned how to help and support the others!



       The sichuan earthquake let us once again feel "security" is so important that we must be alert, study the defense measures, the earthquake is we note: The first point is worth noting strong earthquake occurs, the crack in the home can temporarily hide a solid furniture such as bed, table below, or kitchen, toilet, etc. Should leave quickly outdoor, after being evacuated to protect the head, soft pillow usable will protect the head. Live in the high-rise buildings in the pers on cannot use the elevator, also don't run to the balcony, particularly can't jump. Second, is class of students and kindergarten children should be hiding in the desk and small under the bed. Listen to the teacher, don't run away. In public places of entertainment, people should adjust measures to local conditions, avoid to table, chair, protect the head on both sides of the counter together, not to the exit. Third, passengers should seize the seat or car, don't rush to get strong components. Running vehicles for emergency parking, trying to stop in the open places.Fourth, if is across the bridge, will hold QiaoLanGan main-earthquake, close to the shore immediately after the transfer. Finally, in the streets of personnel in the narrow tunnel not stay, don't hide into wires, chimney and tall buildings.

        If the earthquake coming again, I think we no longer fear and panic, If the earthquake coming again, I think we have to learn how to take care of yourself. 震惊世界的四川大地震让我们再一次感受到了“安全”是如此的重要, 我们必须提高警觉,学习地震的防卫措施,一下几点是我们值得注意的:  第一点值得注意的是强裂地震发生时,在家中的人可暂躲较坚实的家具如床、桌下面、或厨房、卫生间等处.震后应迅速撤离户外,撤离时要注意保护头部,可用枕头等软物将头部护住.住在高层建筑里的人不能使用电梯,也不要跑到阳台上,尤其是不能跳楼.

        第二,正在上课的学生和幼儿园的小朋友应躲在课桌和小床下.要听从老师的安排,不要乱跑.在公共娱乐场所的人们应因地制宜躲避到椅子下,桌子、柜台两侧,保护好头部,切不可一齐拥向出口. 第三,车上的乘客要抓住座椅或车上的牢固部件,不要急于下车.正在运行的车辆因紧急停车,设法停在开阔处. 第四,如果正在过桥,则要紧紧抓住桥栏杆,主震后立即向靠近的岸边转移.




急!!英语作文 关于遇到地震怎么逃生

       Earthquake (这是考试前一天我们英语老师给写的)

       The earthquake happened on May 12th in Wenchuan Sichuan Province.When we heard the news ,we were all sad.What should we do for Wenchuan?We should try my best to help people in Whenchan .We have given away some money and things they need.And we should make friends with honeless children and cheer them up.

       If possible,I want to be a volunteer in Wenchan and help them build the new house!

       The earthquake is very dangerous,so I think everyone should know the escape way.First,you should open the door but you should not run out, it is very dangerous.Next when you find the furnitures are shake you should hide under the firmness furniture for about one minute.Then when you find the earthquake you should close the fire at once.Finally,you should protect you head and keep out of the firmness things.It is very import to konw this things,you must remember.
