







1、On each Qingming Festival,all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices.Traffic on the way to the cemeteries bees extremely jammed. The customs he been greatly simplified today.After slightly sweeping the tombs,people offer food, flowers and forites of the dead,then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.

This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased.Also,they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.



2、Qing Ming, which means clear and bright in Chinese, falls on April 5th this year. It is both the fifth term in the traditional lunar calendar and a festival to hold memorial ceremony for the dead. It is a time to express one's grief for his lost relatives. An ancient elegiac poem, which described a grievous woman, was read that vines tangled in vain and weeds crept in the greyard, and her husband slept there lonely. It was so difficult to endure for her as if summer in the day and winter at night. And her only wish was to reunite with him after death.


3、People often go to sweep and weed gres with whole family and take a walk in the countryside as well. In Tang Dynasty, the habit of taking an excursion on this day was developed. At this time, spring returns and dominates the earth again. The feel of growing life is in the air, with sap ascending in trees and buds bursting. And the willow branches inserted on each gate add vigor and vitality to the surroundings. But it actually means more than that. This custom can be traced back to over one thousand years ago.







The qingming festival is also called the qingming festival, in the middle spring and the late spring, which is the 108 days after the winter solstice. It is one of the most important festivals in China.?

It is a time for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. The traditional qingming festival of the Chinese nation began around the zhou dynasty, which has a history of more than 2,500 years.



Tomb-sweeping day is one of the important "age of 8" in China, usually in the Gregorian calendar before and after April 5, the feast is very long, there are 10 8 and 10 10 two versions in the future in the future, the nearly 20 days are tomb-sweeping day.?

The qingming festival was originally defined as 15 days after the spring equinox. In 1935, the of the republic of China decided to set April 5 as the national holiday qingming festival, also known as the national tomb-sweeping day.



Not only it is a day for commemorating the dead, is it also a festival for people to enjoy themselves. During March, everything in nature takes on a new look, as trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines brightly.?

It is a fine time to go out and to reciate the beautiful scenes of nature during the festival. Spring outings not only add joy to life but also promote a healthy body and mind.





Qingming Festival is an ancient festival of the Chinese nation. It is not only a solemn festival of sweeping tombs and offering sacrifices to ancestors, but also a hy festival for people to get close to nature, go outing and enjoy the fun of spring.


Qingming solar term time in the Gregorian calendar before and after April 5. In this season, the vitality is exuberant, the Yin Qi is declining, and all things "give up the old and accept the new". The Earth presents the image of spring and scenery. It is a good time for suburban youth trel and Qing Dynasty tomb sacrifice.


The Qingming ancestor worship Festival lasts for a long time. There are two kinds of sayings: 10 days before and 8 days after and 10 days before and 10 days after. These nearly 20 days belong to the Qingming ancestor worship Festival.

清明节这天,家家户户都忙着回家祭祖,老天也格外地伤心,“眼泪”落个不停,到处都烟雨蒙蒙,给这个令人悲伤的节日增添惆怅的气氛。 路上的行人满面哀伤,行色匆匆,几乎丢魂落魄。 这时的杜牧也行走在路上。他同样满面惆怅,想起别人都急急忙忙回家祭祖,自己却身在异乡,和亲人天各一方,无法团聚,一时忧愁无法排解。 走着走着,杜牧便想找个酒馆喝点酒,以便借酒浇愁。这时,不远处过来一位骑在牛背上的牧童,便上前问道:“请问,小朋友,你可知道哪儿有酒店吗?” 牧童用手指了指远处,说:“那儿,杏花村里有一家酒馆。” 诗人杜牧抬头望去,只见远处有一座美丽的村庄,那儿开满杏花——那就是杏花村。 杜牧在酒店喝到酒酣耳热的时候,不禁诗兴,叫小二拿来纸笔,悬腕挥毫,写下了《清明》。 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。