



5.求一篇超短篇的英语美文,高一水平的 适用于课前演讲。






 Contentment is such a rare state of mind that even the wisest men sometimes find it difficult to get. There is no end to what the heart can desire. We may never he all that we want, and we will always be unhy if we can?t be satisfied with what we already he.


 We foolishly ignore our loved one to search for more material possessions, duanwenw only to find the joy it brings is temporary. We may lose that loved one we he ignored. We never can tell what will hen tomorrow, so reciate and treasure people and things around us now.


 Disointment comes when we can?t get what we he desired or expected. The way to hiness is to learn how to control our human desires, especially the desire to he more.


 Someone once said that the constant preoccupation with desires is a sure road to misery. Don?t seek for wealth or riches. Instead, seek to be content.



 充分利用时间Make Full Use of Your Time

 When you can only do a little, do it. Soon, you?ll he the chance to do a little more, and a little more again, until the job is done.


 When you only he a moment or two, make full use of whatever time you he. Even when you can?t get all of it done, you can get some of it done.


 Forget about the time you don?t he, and use the time you do he. Instead of worrying about how you?ll do it all, duanwenw focus on doing what you can do right now.


 Achievement requires many steps. So take one step each time that you can.


 Don?t waste your time complaining when interruptions knock you off track. Just get yourself beyond them and get quickly back to work.


 Do what you can, when you can, as often as you can. Your persisten, consistent efforts will steadily take you where you choose to go.




 To solve any problem or to reach your goal, you don?t need to know all the answers in advance. But you must he a clear idea of the problem or the goal you want to reach.


 All you he to do is know where you?re going. The answers will come to you of their own accord. duanwenw Don?t procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem. Break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time.


 If you can get up the courage to begin, you he the courage to succeed. It?s the job you never start that takes the longest to finish. Don?t worry about what lies dimly at a distance, but do what lies clearly ahead.


 Your biggest opportunity is where you are right now. Once you begin you?re half done.




世界上最遥远的距离 The most distant way in the world

不是生与死 is not the way from birth to the end.

而是我就站在你面前It is when I sit near you

你却不知道我爱你 that you don't understand I love you.

世界上最遥远的距离 The most distant way in the world

不是我就站在你面前 is not when i stand in front of you

你却不知道我爱你 you're not sure I love you

而是爱到痴迷 It is when my love is bewildering the soul

却不能说我爱你 but I can't speak it out

世界上最遥远的距离 The most distant way in the world

不是我不能说我爱你 is not that I can't say I love you.

而是想你痛彻心脾 It is after looking into my heart

却只能深埋心底 I can't change my love.

世界上最遥远的距离The most distant way in the world

不是我不能说我想你 is not that I'm loving you.

而是彼此相爱 It is in our love

却不能够在一起 we are keeping between the distance.

世界上最遥远的距离 The most distant way in the world

不是彼此相爱 is not we love each other .

却不能够在一起 but keep the distance across us

而是明知道真爱无敌 .It is we know our love is breaking through the way

却装作毫不在意 we deny the existance of it

世界上最遥远的距离 So the most distant way in the world

不是树与树的距离 is not in two distant trees.

而是同根生长的树枝 It is the same rooted branches

却无法在风中相依 can't enjoy the co-existance.

世界上最遥远的距离 So the most distant way in the world

不是树枝无法相依 is not in the being sepearated branches.

而是相互了望的星星 It is in the blinking stars

却没有交汇的轨迹 they can't burn the light.

世界上最遥远的距离 So the most distant way in the world

不是星星没有交汇的轨迹 is not the burning stars.

而是纵然轨迹交汇 It is after the light

却在转瞬间无处寻觅 they can't be seen from afar.

世界上最遥远的距离 So the most distant way in the world

不是瞬间便无处寻觅 is not the light that is fading away.

而是尚未相遇 It is the coincidence of us

便注定无法相聚 is not supposed for the love.

世界上最遥远的距离 So the most distant way in the world

是鱼与飞鸟的距离 is the love between the fish and bird.

一个翱翔天际 One is flying in the sky,

一个却深潜海底 the other is looking upon into the sea




 The First Ball Games


 The first interesting thing for sports use was the ball.


 In ancient Egypt, as in everywhere,


 throwing stones was a forite children's game.


 But a stone could hurt a child.


 Looking for something less dangerous to throw,


 the people in Egypt made,perhaps,the first balls.


 At first,balls were made of grass or lees held together


 Later they made balls with animals' skin.


 They put the pieces of animals' skin together with thread


 and put in some birds' feathers or grass.


 This kind of ball was soft and not hey.Everyone liked to play with it.


 Although the people in Egypt liked fighting and wars,


 they tried to se time for sports games.


 Before long they could play a lot of new ball games,each with its own rules.


 Perhaps they thought


 the games were useful to help the young men run faster in wars.



 Partying with Foreigners


 Partying is fun.But he you ever been invited to a party by a foreigner?


 What should you wear?


 Should you bring anything?


 If so,what?


 Don't worry.


 Today we are going to give you some tips about partying with foreigners.


 First,you should ask if it is a formal or casual party.


 Then you will know what to wear.


 It's as simple as that.


 At a casual party, it is customary to bring a bottle of wine or some other refreshment.


 It is not considered polite to bring someone along with you unless you first ask your host.


 At more formal parties like birthdays,a small gift will be sufficient.


 Giving money would cause some embarrassment.


 Finally,never overstay your welcome.


 When it's getting late,it's time to thank you host for a wonderful evening and say good night.



 Valentine's Day


 Valentine's Day is named for Saint Valentine,


 an early Christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.


 Valentine was executed for his Christian beliefs


 on February 14 more than 1700 years ago,


 but the day that has his name is even earlier than that.


 More than 2000 years ago,the ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers.


 As part of the celebration,


 girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and put them in a large container


 Boys reached into the container and pulled one out.


 The girl whose name was written on the paper


 became his lover of sweetheart for a year.


 Lovers still put their names on pieces of paper


 and send each other Valentine's Day cards that tell of their love.


 Sometimes they send gifts,like flowers or chocolate candy.


 Americans usually send these gifts and cards through the mail system.


 But some use another way to send this message.


 They he it printed in a newspaper.The cost is usually a few dollars.


 Some of these messages are simple and short:


 "Jane,I love you very much.Peter."


 Others say more.This one for example:"Dan Roses are red, violets are blue.


 I hope you love me as much as I love you.Forever,Mary."


 Most of the news- papers that print such messages are local,


 but one,USA Today,


 is sold throughout the United States and 90 other countries as well.


 This means someone can send a Valentine messages to a lover


 in far away city or town almost anywhere in the world.


 These massages cost$80 and more.


 An employee of the USA Today


 says readers can he a small heart or rose


 printed along with their messages nowadays.


 Will this kind of Valentine's Day message reach the one you love?


 Well,just make sure he or she reads the newspaper.




Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

God replied," Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."

But the child wasn't sure he really wanted to go. "But tell me, here in Heen, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, that's enough for me to be hy."

"Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be hy."

"And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, "the child continued, "if I don't know the language that men talk?"

God patted him on the head and said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."

"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"

But God had an answer for that question too."Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."

"I've heard that on earth there are bad men, who will protect me?"

"Your angel will defend you even if it means risking her life!"

"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore,"the child continued warily.

God smiled on the young one. "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you."

At that moment there was much peace in Heen, but voices from earth could already be heard. The child knew he had to start on his journey very soon. He asked God one more question, softly,"Oh God, if I am about to lee now, please tell me my angel's name."

God touched the child on the shoulder and answered,"Your angel's name is not hard to remember. You will simply call her Mommy." 


随着英语的国际化越来越广泛,我国的 英语学习 者也逐年激增,各大英语学习网站也推出英语美文的赏析和阅读。下面是我带来的中学经典英语美文,欢迎阅读!



 When you smile, I smile, that?s the deal.

 I will not walk past you and not look you in the eyes and not acknowledge you.

 Instead we will pass each other and say hello.

 Not with our words, for they are not the same; but with our faces.

 I meet you and I see there is good in your eyes, there's passion in your heart and there's a friendly hello in your smile.

 And for the first time we can relate and reciate each other.

 That?s all it takes, that?s where it starts.

 Because I know that you will smile and I will smile and the rest is easy.












 Why Failure Can Be Your FriendI believe it is important to separate good failures from bad failures. Good failures hen when, even though you made the correct decision, you still lost. Bad failures hen because you made bad decisions, or worse, didn?t make a decision at all. Although the two feel the same, they he a completely different long-term impact.

 I?m a novice poker player. One of the first things I learned was that there were good wins and bad wins. Good wins were because you had a sound strategy of betting where the odds were in your for. Bad wins hened when you just got lucky. Going all-in on a 2-7 off-suit might win the hand. But it doesn?t mean you?re a good poker player.

 Good Failures

 Mentally separating good failures from bad failures takes work. Poker is a simple game where the laws of probability are cleanly defined. Real life is a lot messier. It takes more effort to decide which failures were because of a bad decision and which were just the unintended side-effects of the best choice ailable.

 Although it can be difficult to separate the two, there are benefits to making two piles instead of just one. By separating the two types of failures, it is easier to persevere through good failures. It may hurt to he your Business proposal shut down for the fifth time, but it isn?t necessarily a bad failure.

 By separating the two, you can also oid more bad failures. If you fail because of laziness, indecision or poor planning, you can quickly correct those in the future. Knowing the difference between good and bad failures keeps you from repeating stupid mistakes.

 Types of Good Failures

 I?ve found that there are several categories of good failures. These are the kinds of failures you might actually seek out. Since they come from good, not bad, decisions, they are the best way to fail.

 1. High Upside, Low Downside

 There are many areas of life where the upside is far greater than the downside. When I write an article, it takes about 90 minutes of work. If nobody comments or responds to that post, then I?ve just wasted 90 minutes.

 However, if the article becomes popular, it can bring in thousands of visitors to my website. Those thousands of visitors translate into new readers who can get value from the website. In addition, the extra traffic often results in a higher monthly income for me.

 Writing blog entries is an example where failure is cheap and winning can be huge. I?d gladly take a dozen or two dozen failures for a big hit. A post that doesn?t get attention is a good failure.

 2. Breaking Through Your Limits

 The only way you can know your limits are to go past them. Occasionally I?ve committed myself to more work than I can handle. The result is stress and, in extreme cases, complete burnout. Doing more than you can handle on a regular basis is a recipe for a nervous breakdown.

 However, if you don?t test those limits and occasionally go past them, you can never improve. You?ll always go slightly below your capacity, never reaching your possible potential. I don?t enjoy an exhausting schedule, but occasionally facing one ensures my productivity muscles stay strong.

 3. Embarrassment and Smart Risk-Taking

 There are some situations where failures and successes can?t be separated. There is no action that will guarantee you only get success. In these cases, it can be useful to ignore the losses since the wins will make up for it.

 Public Speaking is a great example. Any chance you get to speak in public runs you the risk of embarrassment. You might say something stupid. The audience might not like your speech. But if you don?t face those failures, it?s impossible to deliver a fantastic speech.

 4. Staying Inside Your Comfort Zone

 The only way to he a bad failure is to stay put. If you are constantly experimenting and pushing beyond your daily routine, any result is a good result. Avoiding the things that scare you doesn?t make you safe, it makes you weaker.

 Over a year ago I took dance classes. For a self-proclaimed geek, this was definitely a step outside my comfort zone. I loved the class. Even though it was outside of my comfort zone, I had a great time and learned something valuable. This wasn?t a failure, but it just as easily could he been. It?s better to discourage laziness than occasionally stumbling.

 5. Taking on Too Big a Challenge

 More than a few times I?ve set goals that were nearly impossible to accomplish. I didn?t he enough time to reach the deadline and I had no idea what I was doing. Although setting extremely difficult challenges results in a lot of failures, it keeps you sharp.

 The ideal challenge level is where success is possible, but only if you work incredibly hard. Unfortunately, finding this sweet spot means you?ll end up making some goals too hard and others too easy. If you never fail at a big challenge it probably means most of your goals he been set too easy.

 Just as there are good and bad failures, there are good and bad wins. I?d rather he a good failure than a bad win. A bad win might feel nice in the short term, but it is damaging over the big picture.

 Do you he a personal example of a good failure? Please share it in the comments below.


 I Love You, Mom

 I Love You, Mom

 ... and I Want You to Know Why

 I Feel So Proud to Be Your Daughter

 You are a remarkable woman

 who accomplishes so much as a

 strong woman

 in a man's world

 You are strong but soft

 You are strong but caring

 You are strong but compassionate

 You are a remarkable woman

 who accomplishes so much as a

 giving woman

 in a selfish world

 You give to your friends

 You give to your family

 You give to everyone

 You are a remarkable woman

 who is also a remarkable mother

 And you are loved by so many people

 whose lives you he touched -

 especially me






求一篇超短篇的英语美文,高一水平的 适用于课前演讲。

英语美文,即使用地道、优美的英语语言写的 文章 ;英语美文赏析,则是在接触地道英语语言的基础之上,了解和理解英语语言 文化 背景,欣赏语言确切应用所表达的真实情景。下面是我带来的关于 高一英语 美文摘抄,欢迎阅读!


 If I Had My Life to Live Over

 I would he gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

 I would he burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

 I would he talked less and listened more.

 I would he invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.

 I would he eaten the popcorn in the "good" living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

 I would he taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about(漫步,闲逛) his youth.

 I would never he insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased(取笑,戏弄) and sprayed.

 I would he sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

 I would he cried and laughed less while watching television?and more while watching life.

 I would never he bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd he cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment(惊奇,惊叹) growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

 When my kids kissed me impetuously(激烈地) , I would never he said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would he been more "I love you's" ... More "I'm sorry's" ... But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it ... live it ... and never give it back.

 Stop sweating the small stuff. Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what. Instead, let's cherish the relationships we he with those who do love us. Let's think about what God has blessed us with and what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually.

 Life is too short to let it pass you by. We only he one shot at this and then it's gone. I hope you all he a blessed day.


 Peeling Away Artifice For the Pure Original

 Sarah came running in. "Look what I found." Over the top of the paper I was reading came a crispy(易碎的) , crumbling long object that caused me to jump. It was a snake skin that had been shed by one of our many garden snakes.

 "Isn't it beautiful?" said my wide-eyed seven-year-old.

 I stared at the organic wrer and thought to myself that it really wasn' t that beautiful, but I he learned never to ear nonchalant(冷淡的) or jaded with children. Everything they see for the first time is elementary to their sense of beauty and creativity; they see only merit and excellence in the world until educated otherwise.

 "Why does it do this?" Sarah asked.

 Robert, ever the innocent comedian, said:"We he a naked snake in our garden!"

 I also try to customize every opportunity to teach my children that there is almost always something beyond the obvious; that there is something else going on besides what they see in front of them. "Snakes shed their skin because they need to renew themselves," I explained. As is so often the case in my family, the original subject leads to another and another, until we are discussing something quite different.

 "Why do they need to renew themselves?" Sarah asked.

 Robert quipped:" 'Cos they don't like who they are and they want to be someone else."

 Sarah and I politely ignored her brother. I suddenly remembered an article on this page many years ago where the writer was expressing her concept of renewal. She used layers of paper over a wall to describe how we hide our original selves, and said that by peeling away those layers one by one, we see the underlying original beneath.

 "We often need to shed our skins, those coatings and facades that we cover ourselves with," I said to my now absorbed daughter. "We outgrow some things and find other stuff unwanted or unnecessary. This snake no longer needs this skin. It is probably too stiff and crinkly(起皱的) for him, and he probably doesn' t think he looks as smart in it as he once did. Like buying a new suit."

 Of course, I' m sure this explanation won' t sit well with bonafide(诚意)naturalists. But Sarah was getting the point. As we talked, I knew that she began to comprehend, albeit slightly, that renewal is part of progress; that we need to take a good look at ourselves, and our rooms and schoolwork and creativity and spirituality, and see what we need to keep and what we need to cast off. I was careful to point out that this is a natural process, not one to be forced.

 "Snakes don' t peel off their skin when they feel like it." I explained. " It hens as a natural consequence of their growth."

 "I see, Dad," said Sarah and jumped off my lap, grabbed the snakeskin, and ran off.

 I hoped she would remember this. That often, in order to find our real selves underneath the layers of community and culture with which we cloak ourselves year after year, we need to start examining these layers. We need to gently peel(剥) some away, as we recognize them to be worthless, unnecessary, or flawed; or at best, store the discarded ones as mementoes(纪念品) of our promotion to a better vitality or spirit.


 Develop Controlled Enthusiasm

 Her are steps to building your enthusiasm:

 Adopt a definite major purpose.

 Write out a clear statement of that purpose and your plan for attaining(获得,达到) it. Include a statement of what you intend to give in return for its realization.

 Back your purpose with a burning desire. Fan that desire; coax(哄骗) it; let it become the dominating thought in your mind.

 Set to work immediately in carrying out carrying out your plan.

 Follow your plan accurately and persistently(坚持地) .

 If you are overtaken by defeat,study your plan carefully, and change it if necessary. Do not change it simply because you he met defeat.

 Ally(联合) yourself with others whose aid you need.

 Keep away from joy-killers and naysayers. Stick with the optimists.

 Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan. You are developing enthusiasm as a habit, and habits require reinforcement.

 Keep yourself sold on the idea that you will oain your definite major purpose, no matter how far away that moment seems. Autosuggestion(自我暗示) is a powerful force in developing enthusiasm.

 Keep you mind positive at all times. Enthusiasm will thrive in a field full of fear, envy, greed, jealousy, dou, revenge, hatred, intolerance, and procrastination(耽搁,拖延) . It needs positive thought and action.


你是高一的学生吗?如果是的话,你不妨用一下这篇:Today, I feel very honor that I can stand here to deliver a speech. My topic is Wake up and get your dream. Everyone has a dearm. So do I. I he dream want to be a useful and knowledgeable people. How about you? We are high school students, so most of us he a dream that can enter the ideal university. In order to achieve this dream, we should try our best to study hard and believe we can make it.Time is flies, we shoud treasure our time and live or we will regret in the future. Therefore, my dear classmates, Time to sober up and get your dream.Best wishes for us. Thank you !

译文: 今天我感到非常荣幸能站在这里发表我的演讲。我的演讲主题是 请保持清醒抓住你的梦想。每个人都有梦想,我也不例外。我希望将来能够成为一个有用且有知识的人。你呢?我们现在是一名高中生,我们中的大多数人的梦想是希望进入自己理想的学府。为了实现这个梦想,我们要尽我们最大的努力去学习,并且要相信我们可以做到。时间在飞逝,我们应该珍惜我们的时间和生活,否则我们将会后悔。因此,亲爱的同学们,是时候清醒,抓住我们的梦想!致以最美好的祝福。谢谢!

要是好,记得给我红旗~~ Thanks,best wishes for u !

We believe we can learn ENGLISH well!

It's my great honor to be invited here to give a speech.As a student I think We should seize every opportunity to conquer English and make lifelong friends with people throughout the world. By conquering English, we can help ourselves and others.

We are human beings, not animals. We know what we want to do. We know our destiny is in our hands. With hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our minds to do.

As long as you open your heart. As long as you are devoted. As long as you are crazy. As long as you forget about your face. As long as you open your mouth wildly. As long as you broaden your mind. You will conquer English and expand your horizons. You will overcome all the obstacles that hold you back.

We are the future of China, the future of Asia, and the future of the world! We can make the world a better place. We can make a difference. We desire to win. We must win! We will win, absolutely, and without any dou! we can make it. we strongly believe that you will make it too!

Let’s do it together!

We he confidence !





我们能使世界变得更美好. 我们能起到很大作用. 我们渴望成功. 我们一定会成功. 我们必须成功!

我们会的,绝对会的,毫无疑问我们会成功的! 我们会做到的,我们坚信你们也会做到的! 让我们协手共进!我们信心十足!


Never give up

Nothing is difficult if you put your heart on it. Nothing is easy if you don’t try your best.

We often hear people say, “Never give up.” This can be encouraging words and words of determination. A person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. In my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to he. Therefore, I believe that we should never give up.

One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people. Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. If we do not try again, the lesson we he learned is wasted. Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives.

Probably the greatest example of persistence is Abraham Lincoln. Born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown.

He could he quit many times - but he didn't and because he didn't quit, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country.

Lincoln was a champion and he never ge up.

In short, it is important that we don’t give up when working for our goals. Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better, more confident people. Furthermore, if we give up, we he no chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.Thank